Sunday, May 10, 2009

May movies!!! ;D

Summer is the greatest time for movies to come out, so I decided to analyze whatever is coming out still this month. The biggest bets in Hollywood and what I personally think will be an expected surprise, an expected failure or a surprise.
In May we have:

Wolverine, Star Trek, Angels e Demons, Terminator: Salvation, Night at the Museum 2, Pixar`s Up.


As I said before I don’t believe this will hit the highest scores in anyway. The movie has a good story, but I believe after the three amazing X-men movies, people were expecting more, more action, more connections, and more entertainment. The movie is interesting in many ways, but overflow a little on the special effects. Fox was betting a lot on this movie, I believe what may have happened was the different approach from this movie to the X-men movies. I believe Gavin Hood the director for Wolverine has a very different way of looking at an action movie, being himself also an actor and a writer. Bryan Singer (X-men, X-men 2) and Brett Ratner (X-men III) have a similar way of directing and looking at the X-men, which I believe people were expecting in this movie, and didn’t get.

Star Trek

This in my opinion will be one of the best surprises of the summer especially for Bad Robot. The company just keeps growing and growing. The movie was action packed, but with sensitive parts, hints of romance and humor. J.J Abrahams excels in this master piece that already has a sequel announced for 2011. Cannot wait, this will be one of the greatest competition of the summer.

Angels e Demons

After The Da Vince Code, a lot of fans of the movie and the books have been waiting for this. The Da Vince code in my opinion was not the best of Ron Howard, who is an amazing producer and director. I believe with the changing of some actors for this movie such as the lead women going from Audrey Tautou to the unknown but experienced Israeli actress Ayelet Zurer. The participation of super stars such as Ewan McGregor and off course Tom Hanks might help the production as well. I don’t think it will be the greatest competition, but it is a movie that will be definitely worth seeing. Ron Howard is mostly a certain bet.

Terminator: Salvation

This will most certainly be one of those that the next movies have to set their goals to defeat in the box office. Terminator is always a good bet for the summer. The movie has gathered fans for over twenty years and even people that don’t like the original movie has in a way or another started to like this endless sequel. With video games, TV shows, rumors and the past movies the audience is waiting excitingly for on more John Connor adventure. Especially now with John Connor being played by great actor, super star, women`s favorite Christian Bale. After Batman, his status has grown a lot more in this industry, and it appeals to man and women (want to be him, want him). The combination of a great lead man, excellent actresses who are also incredibly attractive, excellent director (McG), a lot of action, guns, robots and a great story can only lead into a summer blockbuster that will most definitely fill the theaters up.

Night at the Museum 2: The Battle of the Smithsonian

Appealing to a family afternoon is always a good plan. The first movie was success, which will also be expected for the second one. This time with more great actors joining the previous cast, and in another great museum, Ben Stiller comes back targeting not only for the kids but for the whole family. In my opinion it won’t be the greatest competition of the summer, but it will definitely gather a lot of money and audience. And who doesn’t like to see great historic figures come to live in a fun comedy movie?

Pixar`s Up

Oh oh. When Pixar is on the line you better open your eyes. Pixar does not take money as their first goal, and that is why their movies are always a great competition. They don’t target audiences or box offices; they target laughter, soul and fun. The company is pretty much run by artists and not executives and that is what makes every movie be on the top of the charts and a recurrent Oscar nominee and winner. This story sound sweet and funny and it also appeals to the whole family. Pixar never has a dumb pointless story. The combination of the rich image on screen and the pleasing of everyone`s imagination, this will most certainly be one of the greatest animations of the year and already had a guaranteed spot on the top ten of the summer.

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